Quirky but Lovable
Today me and Liz discussed our husbands' quirks (or lack thereof in her case). All she could come up with was that his feet steal the covers at night. Oli's do that too, and he likes sharp things, alot, and really enjoys keeping the lawn pretty. Apparently my husband is just quirky. Maybe that is why I find him so lovable. I could even think of a quirk for Dieter. He will grate cheese onto the counter then pick some of it up to put on his food and leave the rest to dry out. Though I am not sure if that is a quirk, or something less endearing. In other Oli news, it looks like he might not have to work night shift after all! No more zombie.
We have made our first purchase for the baby, a car seat. Expensive buggers. It was shipped today so I guess we should be getting it soon. Luckily there isn't much else we really need to get before Layden arrives and we know how big he will be.
"David, you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong, you must really need a hug" The announcers on Dieter's golf game are the best part for me. Apparently the announcer David is the new guy and often calls shots wrong. There is also a spectator who must really like golf because always sounding a bit drunk and yelling "I LOVE THIS GAME!"