Nun sacciu, nun vidi, nun ceru e si ceru durmiv
"I know nothing, I didn't see anything, I wasn't there,
and if I was there, I was asleep."
Apparently there is something about this quote that got me 15 million spam comments.
"I know nothing, I didn't see anything, I wasn't there,
and if I was there, I was asleep."
Apparently there is something about this quote that got me 15 million spam comments.
7:21 PM
Letters to the Editor
I have my husband back!
I don't understand how some people can handle living seperate from their spouse for long periods. If 2 weeks bothers me this much I don't even want to contemplate a month, or, god forbid, a year. Well it doesn't matter because he is back in the same town and mine, all mine.
On a less happy note my brother has broken his radius and ulna just above the wrist, a clean break luckily. There is a slightly funnier side to the story though. As they put him under anesthesia to set the bones he mumbles "losing visual contact" the nurse asks what he just said and he repeats "losing visual contact".
Oli seems to have lost the slip of paper he needs for work that certifies he does not have TB. Its all part of the magic of moving. Black magic that is. We drove over last night and my car was so loaded down that hills were iffy and any bump larger than a straw upset the shocks. Then Oli nicks a 3-point (estimated) buck. This is why he was leading in the truck, his headlights actually make things brighter and a buck would probably total my car. We have established the First Law of Moving - however many loads you think it will take, add at least one more (extra if you think people might decide to give you large items before you move. The Second Law is - pack whatever you want to keep first, because as you reach then end you will decide that it is just easier to take it all out to the dumpster. Further laws are in the drafting stage.
I will meet my new OB tomorrow. If she tells me that I can't pet cats because they have a virus I am turning around and walking right back out.
10:04 PM
Letters to the Editor
My final semester to complete my Biology degree has begun. This means that in just a few short months I will no longer have any classes to take. This semester I only have 3 classes: microbiology, ecology, and evolution. Combined with grading 650 quizzes a week for Chem 101 and researching and writing a 20+ page thesis and of course making a baby. The beginning of December is sure to be a joy with Layden due to arrive on December 5th (plus or minus a week or two) and finals the week of the 11th.
5:19 PM
Letters to the Editor
Well, today I have the TA meeting. I wrote down in my planner 1:00 Fulmer 225. At 1:00 there was no one in 225, so I go to the office she doesn't have it written down but what she remembers is 2:00 Fulmer 125. So I have an hour to kill. Neither Dahl nor Kardong nor Paznokas were in their offices so I couldn't even visit with them. So I am hanging out in the library and checking my email.
I am enjoying our new mattresses, they are quite comfortable. Though I did discover a coupon for 20% off bedding at shopko (where we bought the sheets) which is a bit frustrating.
I think I will go read the school newspaper til it is time to head back to Fulm. There had better be people in 125 at 2:00 or I will be frustrated.
1:32 PM
1 Letters to the Editor
I hurt. I just keep getting this achy pain in my right arm and I am growing quite tired of it. It is especially bad in the wrist. But because I don't want to hurt Layden all I can take is Tylenol. Already he torments me :).
I have decided that our ceiling is made from paper. I think our bedroom happens to be under their living room. Last night while we tried to sleep they played a rousing game of twister. "Left hand blue," Thump, oops somebody is out. I am hoping that once school starts they will go to bed a bit earlier.
Elizabeth just rejected Mr. Darcy, good move, he needed to be taken down a notch or two. I do love Pride and Prejudice. I would watch it more often but I so seldom have 5 hrs of free time.
Layden is getting big. I can feel him moving around all the way up to my belly button. He seems to be most active when I am least, ie. when I am trying to sleep.
3:00 PM
Letters to the Editor
"I think that I should just start walking around the house nude and see what they say about that...damn old people." - Becky
10:20 PM
Letters to the Editor
So I think we may be crazy or stupid or just very unlucky. For the second year in a row we will be moving large quatities of crap across the state in a un-airconditioned vehicle. On a more pleasant note it is quite impressive how much stuff can be fit into a full size van. On a less pleasant note we will probably have to make 2 trips this weekend. This meansapproximately 14hrs spend driving a full size, unairconditioned van in 90 degree weather. and to make things even nicer pregnant women are more sensitive to heat.
It is worth it, I guess. I would not recommend Yakima to anyone so it will be nice to be gone. That and our current apartment is a bit of a cave so it will be pleasant to get some sunlight now and then.
9:08 AM
Letters to the Editor
Yesterday, Jamie called. She just wanted to say hi and wish us a happy anniversery. I said "Oh, right, that's today isn't it?" oops. Oli remembered but I didn't. Isn't it suposed to be the other way around? Luckily Oli doesn't mind because I am very likely to forget next year too. He says it is a good thing. This way he can buy me something nice and it will REALLY be a surprise. It isn't that I forget the date it is just that I never really notice when that date arrives.
9:39 AM
Letters to the Editor
We are now in the calm before the storm. Layden Richard, our first, is due to join us on December 10th, 2005 (plus or minus 7 days). Everyone, including us, is very excited. However comments have not all been particularly encouraging. For example "Me and my husband got along fine, then we had children" or from my mother "I hope your baby is just like you" (this sounds nice, but I was a colicky baby. I didn't sleep for longer than an hour or two at a time and I went through many, many diapers each day).
I read the comics and I am starting to be afraid that one day I will be able to identify with "Baby Blues"
So yeah, I'm gonna be a stay at home mom in just a few short months. I remember being in junior high and saying I would never be a stay at home mom, but then I also thought french kissing was gross, and that I would never have kids cuz penises are scary. Yet more proof that teenagers have no clue what they are talking about.
All the same I am looking forward to having Layden. There is just something about boys that messes with a girl's mind. They can convince you that all sorts of things you thought would never do or want are actually a very good idea. So now I am looking forward to a daily routine of diapers, nursing, diapers, nursing, cleaning, diapers, nursing, cooking, diapers, nursing... you get the idea. Don't get me wrong, I am not all that upset about it. It isn't like I actually want a to have a job or anything. And I certainly want to be there for my kids and not hear all about the little miracles in their lives from a nanny.
1:16 PM
1 Letters to the Editor