This is a photo from a recent hike up Kamiak Butte that Layden, Lynda, Oli and I took. They view was amazing and I can't wait to go back up at a prettier, less hazy time of year. We had a good hike, definitely burning some calories. Day before yesterday we went on a longer 5.6 mile hike over in Idaho (Little Boulder or Boulder Creek or Something Like That). The gain in elevation was as much (only 300 ft) but it took us a good bit longer. It was and hour drive over, leaving Pullman at 3:45, so by the time we were finishing the loop it was getting just a little bit dark. The hike was sorta spur of the moment so unfortunately we didn't have our camera with us.

I have a new hair cut and will hopefully get pictures of it posted at some point. Layden is beginning to need a haircut. It is growing over his eyes and ears. I will get around to that at some point. He is now up to a grand total of 4 teeth, 2 on top and 2 on bottom. He seems to enjoy them and has bit Oli and I couple of times which was not impressive, but angry no's just seem to make him smile. Layden is really enjoying peek-a-boo and was playing with daddy under the door to the basement (there is a couple inch gap underneath it). He lays on his tummy, peeks under the door to see daddy, then giggles. Then he sits up, looks at me smiles, then gets down on his belly, sees daddy and giggles. Soooo cute. Oli wanted to know how he was supposed to get work done when our baby is so cute. We have another game we like to play. When Oli is in a different room I will say "Layden, where's daddy?" Layden looks around. Not in here mommy. Then Oli calls Layden, who smiles when he hears daddy and crawls off to find him. Once again, sooo cute.
The house is coming along. Hopefully tomorrow I will get pictures of the living room with the floor done, furniture out and pictures on the wall. Also some pictures of the light and boards in the kitchen and depending on what gets done maybe, just maybe, a shelf in the kitchen.
Today was busy. I got up, showered, ate a couple biscuits, oli got up, he showered, went to breakfast (omelet with the works, hashbrowns, toast), Layden played peek-a-boo with daddy, then took a nap on my lap, Oli put up crown molding in the bedroom (big surprise, it isn't square so he didn't get too far), Oli went to work, Layden and I went to visit Dieter then got groceries, then Layden had a snack, then I had a snack, then we walked, then Lynda and I made pear crisp, then we watched "RV" (Layden sleep on my lap again), then we ate pear crisp, then we went home. Now I am typing this and waiting for Oli to get home (soon hopefully) then I will go to bed.