October 18, 2006


Becky was late picking me up but only about 10 min, she fell asleep :). The staff was out of there before we were all loaded up, one of them had offfered to give me a ride but I had no idea where to get a ride to :).
The plane ride went well. He thought the plane was very interesting, slept through the whole second flight (2:22) and then was pretty drowsy for the third, but we were sitting next to a guy from north of Anchorage who has a 8 month old so we had fun talking, comparing of course. I didn't use a third of the stuff I brought to entertain him, most of the trip the plane, especially the window and reading lights were entertaining enough. I think all of our fellow passengers were very happy about how good he was. All three planes were very empty so we always had an empty seat next to us.
In the Juneau airport there were various stuffed birds that Layden thought were very cool. The great blue heron was especially impressive. In SeaTac we ended up arriving at the international gates in the south satellite so I had to take all of the trains to get over to the C gates. Our carseat was damaged on the flight and is missing some styrafoam and I haven't figured out what to do about that quite yet. I will probably give the airline a call today, when I reallized last night it was too late.
The house we are staying in is very nice, it has a beautiful view, though it is a bit foggy this morning. There is a cat, which Layden has discovered on the other side of the glass sliding door, very exciting. Robert got back early yesterday so I will be meeting him today, I will give you all the scoop.If I can get it figured out I will put some pictures online on flickr.
Layden is climbing the spiral stairs so I had better go.

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