June 5, 2007

Boy Jumps in Puddle

Well the first day with Christy went well. She was teething a bit so a little grumpy but no more than Layden ever was. A couple of times she started crying and Layden didn't like that too much. He got a really sad look on his face and kept putting his head on my shoulder and trying to crowd onto my lap, which made Christy cry more. I was so torn, there was my baby looking so sad and wanting his mommy to hold him and there was another baby needing me too.Luckily she hushed up pretty quick and Laydend recovered too. He shared all his toys pretty well, a little bit selfish but not bad. He did steal the toy she had brought and hid it in the bathroom. Last night we had thunderstorms and this morning we had a good bit rain. Layden insisted on playing outside no matter the weather. Before his nap he went outside, stomped in a nice deep puddle, then we went for a walk around a couple of blocks. He got his shoes good and soaked. After his nap he played outside again. Again he stomped in the puddle and soaked a different pair of shoes. But he sure was having a lot of fun. Then we came in and he had fun pushing chuckanucka around in the stroller though he would become very frustrated when the stroller got caught.
For all you doubters: on two more occasions Layden has returned cellphones to where he found them. He also returned a piece of chalk to the same spot in the grass he found it. Wierd.


Not Lucy said...

I guess you just have to worry about what he is doing with the cell phone or the chalk or whatever in between picking it up and putting it back!

Not Lucy said...

how did day #2 go?