April 10, 2007

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Well Oli headed off to work again today and I am slowly beginning to feel better. Still coughing, still phlegmy, still tired but better. Layden's nose is still running but so is he so I don't think it is getting him down. He discovered the toy lawn mowers today and they are an incredible amount of fun. He had a ball pushing them around the yards and driveways. Today he discovered nodding, yes nodding. He nods his head, I nod my head, he grins and giggles, repeat indefinitely. He also likes it when I make shadow puppets or chase him around the house growling and tickling him when I catch him. He must enjoy the tickling because he runs for a little bit then stops so I can catch him. Today he helped my scrub the floor. I would be on my hands and knees and he would crawl between my legs so he could lie on his stomach under my chest, occasionally trying to lick water off the floor. Gross.
He now has a real bed in his room with a bed frame and everything. It looks so high off the floor, I have gotten too used to mattresses on the floor. I don't know when he will start using it but Oli and I have both used it a bit in the course of all this sickness.
Oli works two more evening shifts and then he has his first 7 days off. Keep your fingers crossed for no sickness and good weather so we can get some yard work done. I am getting tired of a lawn that consists of a pile of rocks, a pile of blocks, a pile of dirt and a trench. The neighbors think it is great though. Various earth moving toys are constantly being left in our yard, but I am not complaining since Layden spends a good bit of time playing with their toys in their yard. They all seem to like playing together though Evan was very concerned that Layden would steal his easter basket on Sunday. Even after he put it in the house he became upset whenever Layden headed in that direction.

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