Puppet Master

We now know how to keep Layden happily entertained long enough for us to enjoy a leisurely meal. Give the boy a french bread heel. He will end up wearing it and so will the floor and highchair but he will be quietly entertained. He is working on some top teeth now and the left one will be poking through any day now. Poor guy, woke up from a nap one day just crying and crying. Wouldn't nurse, just cried. Crawled over to me, put his head on my chest, sucked his fingers and wimpered. Then cried, snuggled closer, sucked his fingers and wimpered. After a bit of this we decided it was most likely his teeth, gave him some Tylenol, waited ten minutes and he was right as rain. It is so amazing that there is this absolutely beautiful little person, who, when he is hurting, is comforted by being near me. How amazing, how touching, how scary. I want to be there to make it all better and love being able to comfort him, I am afraid I will fail him, I won't be able to make it better. Having a child it isn't the change routine, the extra ten minutes to get out of the house, the messes, the limitations on my activities, that stand out. It is the way he tugs at my heart strings. How amazing he feels snuggled up next to me, how it hurts me when he is sad, how I can no longer hear stories, like that of Steve Irwin's death, leaving behind his two kids, without wanting to cry. Little puppet master.
Today I my first dentist's appointment for 3 years and also have my first cavites. Both Oli and I have appointments scheduled in a couple weeks to go back in and get things filled. The dentist said I should breast feed for 24 hrs post novocaine. That should be interesting. Luckily I think I can get him to eat enough solids and drink breastmilk from a sippy cup that it shouldn't be too horrible.
I have started grading quizzes again and that combined with the floor have kept me from post as regularily as I (and my mother) would like. Bear with me [mom:)], tomorrow we put that last coat of oil on the floor and we can slow down again for a bit. Sometimes the grading hurts, hurts bad. I have sympathy pains for this students because it must really hurt to do so badly on such an easy quiz. And don't think that it is my extra years of chemistry that are maing me say this is easy. It was my year of algebra in Jr high that makes me think this is easy.
now I don't blame students for not getting the right number of significant figures, I too hate significant figures but when you can't put that into a calculator and get the correct numerical answer, that hurts.
Today I my first dentist's appointment for 3 years and also have my first cavites. Both Oli and I have appointments scheduled in a couple weeks to go back in and get things filled. The dentist said I should breast feed for 24 hrs post novocaine. That should be interesting. Luckily I think I can get him to eat enough solids and drink breastmilk from a sippy cup that it shouldn't be too horrible.
I have started grading quizzes again and that combined with the floor have kept me from post as regularily as I (and my mother) would like. Bear with me [mom:)], tomorrow we put that last coat of oil on the floor and we can slow down again for a bit. Sometimes the grading hurts, hurts bad. I have sympathy pains for this students because it must really hurt to do so badly on such an easy quiz. And don't think that it is my extra years of chemistry that are maing me say this is easy. It was my year of algebra in Jr high that makes me think this is easy.
now I don't blame students for not getting the right number of significant figures, I too hate significant figures but when you can't put that into a calculator and get the correct numerical answer, that hurts.
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