August 2, 2006

This is the house

Well we got the tile floor all put down and grouted. It is actually looking pretty good. Tonight we will probably seal the grout and then tomorrow morning we can move the appliances back on. Oli has the sink put in but not hooked up yet. I will try and get the rest of the tiles on the backsplash today and tomorrow I can grout it.
Layden really wants to help me type this blog and is upset because I won't let him. He really likes the fact that he can just crawl all over the kitchen floor. He really does not like being so limited in his range.
While we were working on getting the old apartment all cleaned up the bathroom ceiling started leaking again, heavily. So I called DRA, got the emergency number and called them:

Me: Hello
Them: Hello
M: Is this DRA?
T: No this is the house.
M:Pause while I try to figure out what that means
T: Hello
M: Hello
T: Hello
M: Hello
T: Are you just going to say hello.
M: No.. you started it.. never mind.. is this the emergency number for DRA?
T: Yes (like this was so obvious I shouldn't have asked.)
M: The bathroom ceiling in walnut 413 is leaking like crazy.
T: OK I will send some one out.
M: Well I won't be here.
T: You have to be there if you want us to send someone out.
M: Well, I am moving so do you want me to leave the door unlocked?
T: Yes, that would be fine.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

people are just wonderful...