August 24, 2006


Today we got ourselves a kitty from the humane society. She is 2-3 years old, gray with white under the chin and has spent the whole time hiding behind the washer and dryer. She came with the name "Jamie" but she hasn't had it long so that will probably change. If you have any good name ideas let me know, pet naming isn't my strong suit. I had a white cat named Snowball and a black cat named Spooky.
Layden is starting to get the concept of sharing. Today I sat in the back seat of the car and he shared his binky with me. It was so sweet, gross, but sweet. Yesterday Linda pointed out something that I hadn't thought about before. Babies are really the only ones where you show them something new and interesting and you just see joy written on their face. They are totally enchanted by whatever it may be, a flower, a cat, your car keys. I wish we could keep that as we grow up. It looks nice.
I have been working on sprucing up the yard a bit and it has just felt really nice and satisfying to be working outside. We are now officially juniper free and the bushes in the front yard have been trimmed. Eventually the large bush in the front yard will go and we will have raised beds for a veggie garden there.

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