August 16, 2006

Cleaning supplies

We found this freakishly large slug on our screen door and Oli took a picture of it before I removed it. Quite cute though, so we kept it. Layden is getting bigger and bigger every day. It blows my mind. It is actually beginning to become conceivable that he might one day drive a car and go to college. Right now he really likes playing with the broom, dustpan, hand broom and sponge. I think that this is a good sign. I plan to foster this love of cleaning supplies as much as possible. He also really likes daddy's tools, especially playing with the 2 lb hammer on the new tile floor, just a little scary.
Yesterday we bought a 2 year old fridge from a coworker of Oli's. So now we have a nice new spiffy fridge. We have the food moved and the old one plugged in out on the porch. We will probably try to give it a way and if that fails go from there. So if you want a fridge, please come steal this one off our porch. I will probably be walking in the evening with the same coworker, Linda. She just moved to Colfax from Troy so needs to find a new walking buddy and I need to get exercise. I am also trying a new kind of baby carrier now that he is getting so big. This one should also make it easier to carry him on my back. I know that some may think I am a little wierd for buying so many different carriers but it makes me happy. Though I hate spending the money. I think my brain is still in uber-poor mode and hasn't adjusted to the fact that Oli now has a job and we have more than 10,000 a year to live on.


Anonymous said...

It is far easier to go in the economic direction you are going in than to go the opposite way! :) You may try if you don't soon find a taker for your fridge.

Anonymous said...

oh...that anonymous was me, Jody . Sorry.