June 13, 2006


We went into Colfax today to look into choosing paint colors so we would be ready for this weekend. We decided to stop by the house while we were there and the guy was installing the panel. It turns out that "the guy" is our neighbor. So on one side we have the hard of hearing guy (our neighbor, Sarah, calls him the "creepy guy") and on the other is the electrician, his wife Sarah, their two sons (2 and 4 years old), Tristan is the four year old and there will be a daughter in late September, early August. Tristan's favorite outfit is a Buzzlight year sweatshirt with his name on it and bob the builder sweatpants. He wears them every day. She is a stay at home mom and seems shy but nice. Her husband is not as shy he showed us his yard and where his lawn mower has bent up the siding on our garage. They both seem nice and are from the area.
Laydens new face is this lovely grimace. It is often accompanied by growls or even bashee-like shrieks. Quite ferocious really. And when he finally gets hold of a power cord he always holds it like he is sizing it up to strangle some one.

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