June 5, 2006


Dieter was back last night and this morning. He found a place to stay in Moscow and will be able to start moving his stuff in before August 1st.
Night before last Layden woke up in the middle of the night screaming. So I tried feeding him, no go. So we walked, we patted his back, we sang, Oli walked, Oli patted his back, Oli tried singing with me, no go. So on a whim I tried feeding him again, he attempted to suck the nipple off and then fell asleep. Maybe he had a nightmare and then realized he was hungry, who knows, I had only been asleep for an hour or two so I wasn't really clear on what was going on.
He is getting closer and closer to crawling. At the moment though he mainly travels by rotating around to face what ever looks closest and most interesting. Books and other paper products are at the top of the list, followed by power cords, then his toys.
Oli is out mowing his lawn again. The sun has almost set but I guess there is still enough light. Now he is back in because the mosquitos are out in force.


Rebecca said...

chelsea you are all grown up... it is kind of scary ... for me i guess. i don't know about you. you do have photo skills by the way.

Anonymous said...

for the most part you never know what causes those episodes. you just try everything and hope something will work. i have heard of people trying baths in the middle of the night even! Mom