Death to popcorn
Layden had us up and out of bed around 8:00 this morning and we made it out of the house by about 9:00. Then on the way out of town we saw a yard sale and they had a jogging stroller so we stopped and had a look and bought it. New it would be about $275, they wanted $100, I got it down to $90, haggling isn't my strong point. Now I don't have any excuse not to go jogging or hiking. It took us til 10:30 to get to the house because of paint issues. We had to wait in line to get ours mixed and the guy dropped and spille a gallon of paint on the floor (the same kind we would later need more of but that was the last pail).
Here you can see pictures of our work today and it is where I will be putting all pictures of the remodeling process. If you have hints, tips, advice, suggestions, dire warnings, or other such things please comment. I am pretty sure we will need all the help we can get.The kitchen feels much bigger after ripping out the upper cabinets. Oli first tried to rip them out intact so they could be used elsewhere but sadly the cabinets were sturdier than the wall. Hence they hole you see in the drywall. So he went and got a big hammer and relieved some stress. He managed to cut his palm on a nail but I 1-upped him and stepped on one. No it did not go through my foot. Yes, my tetanus shot is up to date, so is Oli's. We did move all those boards and Oli bent all the nails over so they aren't so dangerous anymore.
We have tried out two colors for the kitchen walls so far and both are bad, the first was too yellow, the second too orange. Hopefully the third times a charm, I tried a more brown shade this time. The green we chose is looking really good though.
Popcorn ceiling is devilish to paint. Pure evil. One gallon managed to cover about one third of the ceiling and I will probably need to do two coats. Oli went to get more paint from the Ace in Colfax but they were out so I had to go over to Moscow this evening to get some. A near constant rain of painty ceiling chunks falls on my head as I paint.Our real estate agent, Melinda, stopped by on her way home. She also likes the linoleum floor in the kitchen. Maybe it is a girl thing, or maybe the two of us are just wierd in the same way.
Layden is more and more mobile. His motivation seems to be reaching new and interesting things to gnaw on, like bushes and paint chips.
most people here have strollers like that. they are more intense and durable. they tend to be more rain proof...
you do realize that is the pre-soccer-mom-mobile. pretty soon you will be driving your minivan to soccer games and watching little Layden running around, checking to make sure body parts haven't fallen off every time he kicks the ball.
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