May 20, 2006

Runner up

Last night was employee appreciation night at Zeppos (bowling alley) for the hospital. There was food, salad and assorted deep-fat-fried artery-clogging yummies. Then we bowled a bit. Oli is much better than me, in fact almost exactly twice as good as me. My ball tends to favor the left side... the far left side... the gutter. Maybe I needed a lighter ball, or a heavier ball, or more skill. I did much better the last time I bowled, actually made it over 100. Layden was a huge hit. The CEO stole him for a bit, then a guy from pharmacy had him, then some blonde lady that Oli didn't know. Everyone thought he was so cute, and so well behaved, he let anybody hold him. He didn't get upset until everyon cheered real loud (end of a show down between Red Sage Cafe and Summit Therapy). Then he cried, and cried, and cried. It was about 9:00 so he was tired and hungry and wet. I have noticed that usually where other babies cry he tends to yell. He doesn't get sad, he gets angry and he yells, loudly. Oli was a runner up in the drawing and won $50.
Right now he seems to be in a 3 nap routine, one around 11:00am, one around 3:00 and one in the evening around 6 or so. Sometimes they are long naps, sometimes not. I prefer the longer ones. Sometimes he wakes up from a nap just crying and crying. Other times I hear him talking to himself and go in and he turns, looks at me and smiles, I prefer that.

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