Three Months
You turned 3 months old today, and you are getting to be such a big boy. This month you completed the roll over combo, back to front and front to back. Luckily you mainly seem to accomplish this by accident and don't seem to have realized that this rolling over thing is a powerful tool in becoming mobile. You have discovered your feet but you don't seem to think they are all that interesting yet and for the most part you ignore them. Toys on the other hand are starting to be exciting. Sadly your hand eye coordination does not live up to your interest so you do not have as much fun as you would like to. Occasionally the toys even fight back and you smack yourself in the head with them. You have also punched yourself in the eye on numerous occasions and always maintain very firmly that it is not your fault and we had better find who is responsible. You enjoy it when I read books to you, scrutinizing the pictures and following my finger as it points at them. Strangely enough you even seem to enjoy it when I sing to you. Shocking, I know, and later on you will probably deny it vehemently.
Your daddy and I can tell already that your childhood will be rather interesting. Mike Gonzales has sent your daddy (and you by proxy) stuffed representations of Mad Cow, Ebola, Black Death, Sleeping Sickness, the Common Cold, and Flesh-eating disease. On their web site they also have such choice diseases as The Clap and Syphilis. We can see getting you those and then having it backfire when you bring one for show and tell at the preschool and explain to all of your little friends what The Clap is.
You get sweeter and sweeter every day if that is possible. Each morning you wake up and feel the need to tell me all about your interesting dreams. Each day you repeatedly practice whatever new sound you happen to have discovered at the top of your lungs, which is surprisingly loud.You also discovered pinocle while visiting the Olsons' and we can tell you are going to be good by how serious you are about it. You are also sticking anything that you can get the aim right on into your mouth, introducing concerns about sterility. Before we didn't worry too much because you just didn't have the skills to get anything other than your hand into your mouth. You will try and shove the whole fist in, even using your other hand to help shove it in.
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