February 9, 2006

Grumpy Anyone?

Didn't want to you miss out on any aspect of daily life with Layden. He heard he wasn't living up to the national average amount of crying. Still not quite there, but closer, not that you should take that as a challenge Layden.
You know how I said I would never move back to Yakima. Well, I may have to stretch the meaning of never. We shall see. Wouldn't want to lose my reputation for changing my mind.
Speaking of crying babies, gotta go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, if you would just stop the torture... i think i get to go play with babies tomorrow night at my church. they are doing a married's ministry thing, learning creative dating with your spouse or something, i didn't really pay attention as I am not married... but I get to play with their babies while they all go date.