First Diaper Change
We do make really cute babies, don't we? Dieter is home now. Layden gave him a couple of good scares. First he pooped while Dieter was holding him and I thought he was going to jump out of his skin or throw him or something. Then Dieter even changed the diaper. First he attempted to unsnap the onesie one-handed. That wasn't working too well so he had to bring the other hand into play. Then he got the diaper off and Layden produced a little fountain, eliciting another good jump. Then Layden pooed, that just grossed him out. I think he shows promise though. A little practice and he will be real good, I am sure Layden will be happy to provide him with opportunities.
is one of his legs purple?
Hi Chelsea; "First Diaper Change" is just too funny! And Dieter you are a very good sport. Chelsea can you send me a photo of Blue Boy by email so I can print it out? Everyone wants to see a photo of the baby. Joy
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