Good/sad news
I got some exciting news. The last of my close friends from high school is getting married. Lindsey Riggs will be marrying Adam Riggs (no relation, I hope) on December 17th in Port Orchard. The sad side of this news is I probably won't be able to go and I really want to. But the pass has been having rockslide and snow issues and I will have an approximately 12 day old baby, bad combination. The only consolation is that by the 17th I most likely won't mind too much. I will be fully content/frazzled spending my time with Layden. But, until then, it makes me sad.
Speaking of frazzled... I have been told that once Layden is born I will be insanely busy, to the point where I don't even have time to shower. I find this difficult to believe, but I am guessing I am just being naive and overly optimistic. Please say it ain't so. Really, lie to me if you must, but say it ain't so. There is no way to prepare for that kind of busy so I might as well enjoy my delusion while it lasts.
You won't be that busy really. All you have to do is feed, diaper, bathe, rock, comfort and burp him. That part that gets you is that you will just sit and hold him because he is so sweet and cute and smells so good. You are a very lucky person right now, enjoy your time with him because he is only little for a very short time. I know, I have experience! - Mom
I agree with AA-- you will have time to shower.But you would rather sit and rock and nurse and watch his little chest rise and fall with every breath and giggle as he forms an "o" with his mouth as he wets/dirties his diaper. It's when Layden's little sibling is born before Layden's 1 1/2 that you you won't have time to shower, brush your teeth, or change clothes unless the baby spits up on you. Amazingly enough, you may occasionally have time to read and comment on your cousin's blog when your babies are sleeping in bed with daddy and you are up because you just MUST take a shower before church tomorrow.
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