4, that is how many hours of sleep I got last night. Why? I don't know. I went to bed at 11:00 finally got to sleep sometime after 12:00. Woke up at 1:30. Why? I don't know but I was suddenly very hungry. Ate a couple satsumas, still hungry. Tried to sleep anyway, couldn't. Finally gave in and got up to find more food (little sausages, peas, carrots, crackers), still hungry. Sometime after 4:30 am I finally fell asleep. 7:20 am, alarm goes off, hungry. Decide to skip first class in hopes of sleep. No sleep. Give up again at 8:50, get up, shower, eat a bagel. Eat 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter, finally not hungry. Catch the bus at 9:20 (already too late to go to class). Now I am in my office trying to decide what to do. I should study, but my head feels like it is stuffed with cotton so I am not sure how effective that would be. I want to just go home and lie around all day forcing myself to sleep however much I can manage, but I can't. Today I have a lab. You can't miss labs.
On the bright side, it snowed. Not much and it will probably melt but that is something. The meteorologists posted a "winter storm warning", though I will point out that that is the national people, a local weather man said he doubted we would get more than an inch. He was right. I like him.
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