August 8, 2006


Last Saturday Oli and I took the photos for Erick and Shanelle's second wedding. They had already been married in the court house and this was the big one for family and friends. My mom, dad and brother arrived on Friday to visit and for my mom to babysit Layden at the wedding. The wedding was very nice, not too long. We took a few pictures before hand and took the rest after the reception. It ended up being a very long day but it was fun. Unfortunately we didn't get to see much of my dad since they arrived late on Friday and left at noon on Sunday. While we were gone in Spokane my dad and brother worked on our house. They fixed an unsupported spot in the living room floor, took care of the laundry situation, and finished removing the carpet staples from our bedroom. They also learned the incredibly frustrating crappiness of hardware stores in this area, they just never have what you need, no matter how much time you waste driving from town to town. Dad and Oli got our doors back so now our house is a bit more secure.

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