July 2, 2006


Yesterday Layden and I went up to Colfax to work on the house. But because it was just him and me I didn't get as much done as I would have liked. I got a partial first coat done on the kitchen cabinets and tested the stripper on a section of the floor. It worked very well except where there was a large pile of tarry stuff (mastic?) where I think there used to be vinyl flooring. At any rate it will be ever so much easier than stripping the cabinets. In most places the varnish is very thin and in some it has already been sanded off.

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Living room patches two and three
Personally I think it is getting better but we are definitely not there yet.
Layden keeps moving faster and faster. When he sees what he wants he goes for it. Luckily yesterday he was fairly content sitting in his highchair watching me paint. The jumper, unfortunately, seems to have fallen from favor. The he was happy for a bit with me holding him while I painted but then he wanted to grab everything and nothing was very good for him to be grabbing. Then he ate lunch with me while the stripper goo on the test patch did its thing. He gnawed on one baby carrot while ate and even got to sample my sausage and pretzel. We got him a sippy cup but he doesn't seem to get that he can drink out of it like he does from mommies cup. Even though drinking out of a real cup he gets this suprised and somewhat offended look when the rim hits his forehead.
This morning Oli got up for work at 6:00 and Layden thought that would be a good time to get up too. I did not agree so I stayed in bed trying to get back to sleep. First he tried to rip my face off, then tried to crawl off the bed, then he cuddled for a bit on one side then the other, then he threw a fit. I don't really know what the fit was about. I think he may have realized that he was still quite tired all of a sudden and was not pleased. I finally settled down enough to nurse for about ten seconds before he fell asleep at around 8:00. At this point I of course could not fall back asleep. Well I guess that means I can maybe get our apartment into some semblance of control before the dirty dishes mutate and take over the kitchen.
We are invited to the lab 4th of July BBQ down on the Snake river. They are having it on a beach that is only accessable by boat. It looks like we will probably go, atleast for a bit, but first we would need to come up with an infant life jacket for the boat ride over.

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