May 13, 2006


Layden has now mastered the art of scooting. He doesn't go far yet but he is definitely moving, very scary. Once he gets a bit more coordinated we will be in big trouble. He is more and more interested in his toys now and will occasionally play with them for a bit all on his own, quite happily.
He has added applesauce to his repertoire of solid foods. Last time he had some he actually seemed to be enjoying it, though still doesn't eat very much at a time.
It would seem I have him well trained to let me take showers. Whenever I put him in his chair so I can take a shower he just sticks his fingers in his mouth and engages in a period of introspection. It doesn't seem to matter when I take the shower or if he has toys to play with, he just sits there and thinks. He does the same thing when he is in the sling. He is much more likely to smile at and interact with people when he isn't in the sling than when he is.
He is a wonderful, wonderful, happy baby. He has been a bit fussier lately and Aunt Karla thinks he is likely getting his teeth coming into his gums. Giving him a little Tylenol seems to help so that is probably the case.
The current owners of the house are having the breaker panel replaced (for the baby) but they are out of town so we haven't heard anything else. Hopefully they will be back soon and we will hear if they are willing to give us the rest of what we asked for.
Dieter is up in Sandpoint now, working. Aunt Karla came down with a minvan to haul some of his stuff up.


Anonymous said...

your baby is too darn cute for words

Anonymous said...

I agree with Katie, Brita