Merger Proposed
So when I was trying to sleep a couple nights ago I had an idea. I am not sure if it is a good idea or not but I thought I would run it by you. My thought was that it could be nice for Mom, Katie, Brita, Becky, and I to all post to the same blog. The advantages would be that we would only have to check one webpage (especially when away from our own computers) and it would be easier to keep up with comments made on each others posts. This is of course assuming that you are all posting for the same reason I am, to avoid sending out a multitude of emails to family every day. We could each label our posts with our name then other people could read the posts from just one person if they wanted to. Of course we would have to give up having our own color scemes but we could always rope Jakob into designing something good. So anyway that was my idea, let me know what you think.
Sounds interesing, worthy of thought at least.
I would go for it. Cause i mainly blog so that I don't have to try and email to keep in touch. It never works and I end up feeling out of the loop. I would totally be up for posting to the same blog....
it sounds nice, but I use my blog for more than my family now. i use it for distributing my photos a lot now. however, originally i just blogged to keep in touch with yall.
Have you thought of maybe creating something like a yahoo! group for us all? It wouldn't be "posting" to a blog, but we'd all end up with updates on each other. I am part of a few yahoo groups that work pretty well to keep in touch. --Jody (Then maybe everybody who doesn't have a blog could post too.)
But then everyone would need a yahoo account. All you would have to have is a blogger account then we would all be "contributers". They even have it so you can email in a post.
sounds like i might be one of the few that might still want a personal one. i can post to two.
i might even start sharing more about what i'm actually doing if it were a family blog. i never know who will read mine so sometimes it is super sensored. can you set it so that only the contributers can view the blog?
chelsea is right about the ease of creating a blog that has contributers. blogs are much prettier than yahoo groups. since most of us already have blogger blogs and since i'd continue posting on mine, it would be much easier to add a blog.
oh and you can set it so that only the authors can view the blog.
I don't think it would work out to make it private. There are plenty of people who read each of ours, even with in family, who wouldn't be contributing.
I guess for me the privacy issue is most important because I am not too keen on having total strangers viewing pictures of my family/knowing where I'm going and when, and so on. While I'd like to share things with family, I think I've seen too many Law and Orders with perverted crazies to share personal info about my little ones with others. (Not that our family doesn't have its share of crazies :) But I can just keep being a voyeur/bystander and check out everybody else's stuff, too. --Jody
Is there a way to make it so that the viewer must have a paaword before they can view the blog?
Is someone willing to take on the making of this neger blog?
Actually I was just working on starting a demo/first draft
There's also Google Groups. Then no one would need to get a Yahoo account.
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