May 10, 2007

Car cleaning

Well I think we are just about ready to leave tomorrow. The house is mostly tidy, the diapers are washed so the house won't get stinky, Layden is asleep, I made muffins for breakfast and in the car, I got the car washed, vacuumed and tidied. I also made a shelf for storing shoes in my closet. Lynda and I went for a walk this evening and I took some pictures of her for her website. Then we had salad with pot roast for dinner and got the photos loaded on the internet. I planted a mixture of all the ground cover type seeds that we had along the top of the wall today. In a week or two we will see if any of the seeds are any good. Once they are growing that side of the lawn will be pretty much done.
Peek-a-boo with Evan
Layden had fun helping me wash the car. Mostly he ran around with a sponge getting wet and occasionally eating some bubbles, gross. Then I shampooed the carpets from the car, though I don't know if shampooed is the right word since I couldn't find the soap and just used hot water. Then I vacuumed the car while Layden got the seats dirty climbing around and found the gum, unwrapped two pieces and stuck them in his mouth. Then he kinda gagged and threw them up, in the car, lovely. Then I "shampooed"the seats. Layden had fun playing in the car. He figured out how to put the key in the ignition, wipe the windshield, play the cd, change the volume, eject the cd and get into everything. Then Evan came over and they played peek-a-boo and just had fun yelling at each other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog!
Car washing is fun and great thing to do. I usually wash my car together with my dad. A time for us to bond as well as talk and teach me on how to replace car parts like mazda brake shoe (my dad is a certified car enthusiasts). It feels good to see your beloved car clean and shiny.