August 18, 2006

Ode to Legumes

Today and tomorrow in Pullman is the National Lentil Festival. The festivities kick off tonight a 6:00pm when they begin serving the free lentil chili. Each year they make 200 gallons and each year they run out in less than 2 hours. There is music, activities for the kids, a 5K run, lentil cook off, microbrew tasting, little lentil king and queen, tour de lentil and so much more legumey goodness. They have even had lentil icecream. Sadly Oli is working night shift today and tomorrow so I don't know if I will make it. Over 20,000 people were there last year. Impressive considering that the population of Pullman is about 25,000. Sadly the lentil festival also heralds the return of roughly 15,000 college students to the Pullman area. If you haven't been in Pullman in the summer, with all the students gone, you don't know how much nicer it can be. Though this year it won't affect me so much since I no longer live in Pullman. Here in Colfax there aren't so many students because it is a scientific fact that the 18 miles between Colfax and Pullman are the longest 18 miles in the universe.

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