July 22, 2006

Vacation Part I

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We got back from a long vacation day before yesterday. First we drove over to my parents' house. On the way we stopped at IKEA in Renton. That place is overwhelming, it ate 3 or 4 Costcos, it is listed as a tourist attraction on the highway signs. First you go through showrooms that are set up almost entirely with items available at IKEA. They have kitchens with IKEA appliances, IKEA cupboards, IKEA counters, IKEA utensils, IKEA dishes, IKEA... Same for bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms, offices. Each item has a little tag to tell you where in the store that item can be found and they provide pencils and paper (with a map on the back) so you can keep track and don't get too terribly lost. Then there is a restaurant inside the store, so after you have made it through the show rooms you can stop and refuel and discuss which purchases you want to make. Then you go on and pick up the smaller stuff and look through the textiles, rugs and storage stuff, then comes the warehouses. Two large warehouses. That is where you pick up the larger items. Then you check out and there is a snack bar much like the one at Costco. I can see why it is a tourist attraction, it wouldn't be hard to spend a good part of the day there. All we got was some lucky bamboo for some friends who hadn't been able to find it around Pullman, a mortar and pestle, and a work table for in the kitchen.
Then we went on to my parents'. When we got there my parents were still in Nebraska at a family reunion for my dad's family. We don't actually have any family in Nebraska but at Fort Robinson they can rent a three story brick building that used to be a bachelor officers' quarters. Becky was home from Alaska, the main reason we took vacation then. So Becky got to see Layden again, the first time since she saw him right after he was born. She probably won't see him again til Christmas. She picked up a couple of kittens for my parents the day we arrived, they were almost as cute as Layden, almost. I can't wait to get my kittens but we figure it would be best not to have bare wood floors, they stain too easy. We had a big picnic/BBQ after my parents got home so every one could get together while Becky was there. We made icecream and angel food cake and had donuts for lunch. I am surprised I still fit in my pants. There was other food too but that is the important stuff. That and these buckets of frozen drinks made with vodka.
I learned this trip that when margaritas come in multiple sizes, get the small. Overwhelmed by the choice I reflexively said medium. I didn't finish it. Uncle Dave got a large, he did. So as you might have assumed the Olsons also were there to visit and there was much fighting over who got to hold Layden. There were accusations of hogging and poor sharing skills.
Layden loved the bear footstool that mom recently recovered with a sheepskin. He would just bury his face in it then look up and smile. He also loved the dog and the kittens. He wanted to pet the puppy soooo bad but she wasn't as thrilled with the idea. With a little work we got it so she didn't snarl and threaten to rip off his face and instead just walk away. Much better for me, it is uncomfortable to have a dog that wants to mall your child insist upon sleeping with you because the Alpha mom isn't home and you happen to be Beta. One of the kitties didn't seem to mind his petting much, and didn't even run away every time he got near. Impressive, considering that the first time the met he took its little skull in his hand and squeezed. "Gentle" will be an important lesson to learn.

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