June 7, 2006

The Best Things

One of Layden's most important jobs is reminding us that the best things in life are free. For example today he became more excited and had more fun with a dining room chair than I think most kids have with their video games. I was moving the table back agains the wall and had scooted the chair in front of where he was in the jumper. He became incredibly excited and jumped as close as possible. Grabbing it, trying to eat it, growling at it and hitting it. He was just so incredibly excited that mommy had put such a cool toy within his grasp. His joy knew no bounds, at least until mommy took the chair away. Then there were bounds. The best toys in his view seem to be grown up toys. Anything we use is far more interesting that his specially-designed-to-stimulate- young-minds-future-world-leader toys. A library book placed within possible reach is immediately lunged at and previously interesting board books are ignored. If the laptop is reachable that is also good and the capslock key is often pressed. Power cords are tasty, DVD cases delectable and don't get me started on paper. Textiles are also exciting, he loves dishtowels, diapers and clothing. One baby targeted thing he does love is the jumper, it was worth every penny my mother paid for it and more.
He is being a bit grumpy tonight and threw a little hissy fit, but just a little one. He didn't persist too long. I think he was hungry but got so worked up about it that he wouldn't eat so we had to calm down a bit before we could nurse. Now he has nursed and seems to feel much better.
Our old pans were wearing out so now we have new cast iron ones. It will be an adventure for me since I have not used them before but you get the non-stick without any worries about canary-killing fumes. They also should last long enough for our grandchildren (postulated grandchildren) to use them.

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