January 30, 2006

Daily Photo

Not much to say about today, pretty mellow. Watched "The Man" last night, watched "The Longest Yard" today. Wouldn't really reccommend either. "The Man" was just bad, the plot was bad and when you got to the end it didn't seem like it should be the end, kinda anticlimactic. "The Longest Yard" was pretty much your typical sports, the underdog wins sort of thing, with the bad guy getting what he deserves and the less bad guy getting converted to the good guys and because it is an Adam Sandler movie, the one guy saying "you can do it" because that is basically his one and only talent (acting surely isn't). Dieter got a month movie pass from Blockbuster so I expect I will be seeing alot of movies for a bit.


Anonymous said...

if you are needing a good movie "danny deckchair" is excellent... we laughed soooo hard...

Rebecca said...

I'll second Danny Deckchair. It is an amazing movie... oh and don't feel too out of the look about David... I try not to get too excited about it. It's only been going on for about a week and a half.