New Blog Established
We are trying out a new family blog, where I will be posting from now on. You can read about all my family's lives or you can sort for just my posts (Category/Label = Chelsea).
We are trying out a new family blog, where I will be posting from now on. You can read about all my family's lives or you can sort for just my posts (Category/Label = Chelsea).
10:54 PM
Letters to the Editor
Yesterday Layden discovered pockets. You can put stuff in them. Did you know? He was quite excited and at one point resembled a dog chasing his tail, turning around and around trying to put something in one. Today my mom arrived and we worked in the backyard on the flower bed, digging out all of the weeds. There was a lot of weeds, a lot. Layden kept picking leaves and putting them in his ear. Look mom, I can hear the forest.
Yesterday we got all but one row of the floor down. Decided that the existing padding we had decided to keep was too squishy and pulled it right back up. It was really for the best though. With the floor down we decided the walls really needed new paint. They used to be pale blue and pale blue wallpaper with clouds and birds. So today I got a couple of coats of primer on and tomorrow I will start painting the walls beige, hopefully a nice neutral beige.
Right now we have Lynda's dogs again. She had to fly down to Utah for her new job suddenly and so this evening she dropped the dogs off. Anyone want a lab mix or fat chihuahua?
9:18 PM
Letters to the Editor
So when I was trying to sleep a couple nights ago I had an idea. I am not sure if it is a good idea or not but I thought I would run it by you. My thought was that it could be nice for Mom, Katie, Brita, Becky, and I to all post to the same blog. The advantages would be that we would only have to check one webpage (especially when away from our own computers) and it would be easier to keep up with comments made on each others posts. This is of course assuming that you are all posting for the same reason I am, to avoid sending out a multitude of emails to family every day. We could each label our posts with our name then other people could read the posts from just one person if they wanted to. Of course we would have to give up having our own color scemes but we could always rope Jakob into designing something good. So anyway that was my idea, let me know what you think.
10:41 AM
Letters to the Editor